How IV Therapy Can Help Your Workouts

The list of things that IV therapy can help with is nearly endless, but at the top of that list - workouts!

You have two choices:

  • Getting an IV before your workout

  • Getting an IV after your workout

(I guess not getting one at all is a choice. But not a very good one!!)

Getting IV therapy before can drastically increase your ability to complete a proper and effective workout. Lack of hydration can cause muscles to be sensitive and spasm or have involuntary contractions.

Not having enough B12 can also derail you, as it is essential for creating healthy red blood cells. Healthy red blood cells are essential for supplying oxygen to your muscles and oxygen is required for optimum muscle performance. Muscles that are required to do activity without oxygen produce a byproduct called lactic acid which is what makes muscles stiff and painful post workout.

Getting IV therapy after can be helpful for flushing cellular waste that occurs from the activity of working out. Things like amino acids will will help support tissue growth and repairing the muscle since you are tearing your muscles during your workout.

During intense workouts our sweat carries out B and C vitamins and other important minerals but those things are essential energy production, waste removal and muscle growth and repair. Plus, the generation of free radicals created during exercise is why antioxidants are important, as they bind to the free radicals and stop them from harming your own bodies cells.

Ultimately, IV therapy can drastically increase the effectiveness of your workouts, as well as improve recovery time. If you’re going to put in that much effort, you might as well get the most results you can out of it!

Head to our Power Up IV Drip to book now and step up your recovery game.


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